Peer-reviewed articles
Westheuser, Linus and Delia Zollinger. 2024. “Cleavage theory meets Bourdieu: studying the role of group identities in cleavage formation”. European Political Science Review FirstView, 1-18. [link]
Zollinger, Delia. 2024. “Place-based identities and cleavage formation in the knowledge society”. Electoral Studies 88, 102768. [link]
Häusermann, Silja, Thomas Kurer, and Delia Zollinger. 2023. “Aspiration versus Apprehension: Economic Opportunities and Electoral Preferences”. British Journal of Political Science 53: 1230–1251. [link]
Zollinger, Delia. 2022. “Cleavage Identities in Voters’ Own Words: Harnessing Open-Ended
Survey Responses”. American Journal of Political Science 68(1): 139–159. [link]
Bornschier, Simon, Silja Häusermann, Delia Zollinger, and Céline Colombo. 2021. “How
‘Us’ and ‘Them’ Relates to Voting Behavior – Social Structure, Social Identities, and Elec-
toral Choice”. Comparative Political Studies 54(12): 2087-2122. [link]
Books & book chapters
Bornschier, Simon, Lukas Haffert, Silja Häusermann, Marco Steenbergen, and Delia Zollinger. 2024. Cleavage Formation in the 21st Century. How Social Identities Shape Voting Behavior in Contexts of Electoral Realignment. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming. [link]
Zollinger, Delia, and Denise Traber. 2023. “The Ideological Space in Swiss Politics: Voters, Parties, and Realignment”. In The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, eds. Patrick Emmenegger et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [link]
Häusermann, Silja, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Reto Bürgisser, Matthias Enggist, Reto Mitteregger, Nadja Mosimann, Delia Zollinger. 2022. Wählerschaft und Perspektiven der Schweizer Sozialdemokratie. Zürich: NZZ Verlag. [link]
Working Papers & Work in Progress
“Upward Mobility, Gender, and Progressive Politics ” (with Briitta van Staalduinen). Conditionally accepted at Comparative Political Studies.
“Narratives of Backlash? Perceptions of Changing Status Hierarchies in Open-Ended Survey Responses”. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series No.15 (with Magda Breyer and Tabea Palmtag). Under Review.
“Educational Networks, Social Closure, and Political Divides” (with David Attewell). Under Review.
“Updating Cleavage Theory for the 21st Century” (with David Attewell). Under Review.
“Economic Foundations of Sociocultural Politics: How New Left and Radical Right Voters Think about Inequality” (with Tarik Abou-Chadi, Silja Häusermann, Tabea Palmtag, Stefanie Walter, and Sarah Berkinshaw). Under Review.
“Recognition Deprivation and Far Right Voters’ Sources of Subjective Status” (with Silja Häusermann)